Adult Self-Assessment Tool Welcome to your Adult Self-Assessment Tool Full Name: Your Email: Phone number: 1. Have you felt there is no hope? Yes No None 2. Have you felt guilty all the time? Yes No None 3. Have you felt bad about yourself or that you have let others down? Yes No None 4. Have you felt that your pain and suffering is unmanageable? Yes No None 5. Have you battled to sleep at night? Or have you been sleeping too much? Yes No None 6. Have you experienced loss of appetite or unintentional weight loss/gain? Yes No None 7. Has your enjoyment of things that you used to enjoy decreased? Yes No None 8. Have you felt trapped, helpless and alone? Yes No None 9. Have there been times when you have a lot of energy and times when you have none? Yes No None 10. Have there been vast variation in the quality or quantity of the work that you have produced? Yes No None 11. Have you experienced difficulty concentrating on normal daily tasks e.g. cooking or reading? Yes No None 12. Have you suffered a trauma? Yes No None Time's up Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.